Rachel Keeling Curriculum Goals

We would like to thank the team at Sheringham Nursery School in the London Borough of Newham who created and developed the 8 Curricular Goals we have adopted as part of our focus on curriculum at Rachel Keeling.
These are experiences which will challenge the children and support deeper learning.
Rachel Keeling Nursery School is a unique place to learn.
We value the child’s voice and foster a love for learning within a highly creative and exciting environment.
Through positive relationships with children and families we promote a joy for life and learning.
Our challenging environment ensures our adventurous children become resilient, reflective and respectful.
Skilful staff support children to research their interests and deepen their knowledge, nurturing them to take their place in the wider world.
Click on the goals below for more information on how our curriculum supports learning:
To settle in and become a confident learner.
To follow a simple recipe to make playdough.
To make a model at the woodwork table.
Ride a bicycle.
Create own rhythmic patterns and respond to music.
To create shades of colour using powder, paints and palette.
Make up own stories.
Write the first two letters of your name.
The Rachel Keeling child is an independent, communicative, confident, resilient, empathetic and joyful learner who is a co-collaborator in their unique learning journey.
These are experiences which will challenge the children and support deeper learning.
Rachel Keeling Nursery School is a unique place to learn.
We value the child’s voice and foster a love for learning within a highly creative and exciting environment.
Through positive relationships with children and families we promote a joy for life and learning.
Our challenging environment ensures our adventurous children become resilient, reflective and respectful.
Skilful staff support children to research their interests and deepen their knowledge, nurturing them to take their place in the wider world.
Click on the goals below for more information on how our curriculum supports learning:
To settle in and become a confident learner.
To follow a simple recipe to make playdough.
To make a model at the woodwork table.
Ride a bicycle.
Create own rhythmic patterns and respond to music.
To create shades of colour using powder, paints and palette.
Make up own stories.
Write the first two letters of your name.
The Rachel Keeling child is an independent, communicative, confident, resilient, empathetic and joyful learner who is a co-collaborator in their unique learning journey.