Who Are Our Governors?
In January 2022 Rachel Keeling Nursery School federated with Children's House Nursery School.
Whilst the schools remain two distinct schools, they share one executive head teacher and one governing body.
Our Chair of Governors is Zohra Khanam and our Vice Chair is Aminul Hoque
Local Authority Governor:
Aminul Hoque* - Governor for Safeguarding and SEND
Elected parent governors:
Ruhana Ali*
Abdul Kayoum
Staff Governor:
Guthsna Khan*
Co-opted Governors:
Zohra Khanam
Judy Da Costa*
Oliver Rice - Governor for Health and Safety
Alexander Turner
Executive head teacher:
Becky Dolamore*
Clerk to Governors:
Asad Muzammal
* These Governors form the Curriculum Committee
All other Governors and the head teacher form the Finance Committee
Whilst the schools remain two distinct schools, they share one executive head teacher and one governing body.
Our Chair of Governors is Zohra Khanam and our Vice Chair is Aminul Hoque
Local Authority Governor:
Aminul Hoque* - Governor for Safeguarding and SEND
Elected parent governors:
Ruhana Ali*
Abdul Kayoum
Staff Governor:
Guthsna Khan*
Co-opted Governors:
Zohra Khanam
Judy Da Costa*
Oliver Rice - Governor for Health and Safety
Alexander Turner
Executive head teacher:
Becky Dolamore*
Clerk to Governors:
Asad Muzammal
* These Governors form the Curriculum Committee
All other Governors and the head teacher form the Finance Committee
Our Governor, Aminul Hoque, is a qualified British Sign Language user. He and his sister wrote and illustrated this wonderful book.
You can borrow copies of it in school.
You can borrow copies of it in school.