Early Help at Children's House & Rachel Keeling Nursery School
Early Help at Children's House & Rachel Keeling Nursery Schools
We know our local communities well and know that our families are incredibly unique.
As a result, each family may need something a little different.
From registration through to Home Visit and Graduation, we forge strong and positive relationships with our families. This means we can have honest, open and transparent conversations to support the child.
There is an open door policy at both schools - Becky and the two deputies, Maria and Guthsna, are always available to support you and if they are not on site, appointments can be made by email, telephone or in person. Alternatively when you come into school to collect your child, you can speak with your key person.
Remember we are here for the whole family - if you feel you need help, please talk to us!
We are a safe space, we will not judge you.
Both schools are warm, supportive and efficient: we have a clear safeguarding culture whereby procedures such as body maps and accident books are calmly communicated and managed.
We promote positive attendance for all our children - it is one factor that has a huge impact on progress and attainment.
Termly Progress Review Meetings with the Head Teacher and key person mean we can track individual children's progress as well as levels of well being and engagement in learning experiences. Daily evaluation and Weekly Planning Meetings also feed into our joined-up approach of monitoring children and families. Talking About Children and Children's Forum meetings mean we can spend some time as professionals finding solutions for children and families.
We are well established schools in both communities and have many links in surrounding Children's Centres and local primary and secondary schools so can help with signposting families.
We run workshops and community days regularly - please get involved.
Remember this is your school!
We know our local communities well and know that our families are incredibly unique.
As a result, each family may need something a little different.
From registration through to Home Visit and Graduation, we forge strong and positive relationships with our families. This means we can have honest, open and transparent conversations to support the child.
There is an open door policy at both schools - Becky and the two deputies, Maria and Guthsna, are always available to support you and if they are not on site, appointments can be made by email, telephone or in person. Alternatively when you come into school to collect your child, you can speak with your key person.
Remember we are here for the whole family - if you feel you need help, please talk to us!
We are a safe space, we will not judge you.
Both schools are warm, supportive and efficient: we have a clear safeguarding culture whereby procedures such as body maps and accident books are calmly communicated and managed.
We promote positive attendance for all our children - it is one factor that has a huge impact on progress and attainment.
Termly Progress Review Meetings with the Head Teacher and key person mean we can track individual children's progress as well as levels of well being and engagement in learning experiences. Daily evaluation and Weekly Planning Meetings also feed into our joined-up approach of monitoring children and families. Talking About Children and Children's Forum meetings mean we can spend some time as professionals finding solutions for children and families.
We are well established schools in both communities and have many links in surrounding Children's Centres and local primary and secondary schools so can help with signposting families.
We run workshops and community days regularly - please get involved.
Remember this is your school!