3. Make a model at the woodwork table
First milestone: Children explore using one handed tools such as: one handed scissors, knives to spread/cut and wooden spoons to stir.
Second milestone: children confidently use one handed tools to create changes in materials e.g using a peeler to peel carrots at the snack table, a knife to prepare fruit, hammering nails into a piece of wood.
Third milestone: children persevere and sustain with experiences at the work bench. They think about what they are creating and they talk about their model e.g. “I’m making a bus, it has four wheels.” They are introduced to more tools and how to use these safely. |
With support children use tools such as: hammers, hand drills, screw drivers, saws and the glue gun safely and with increasing confidence. They have an idea of what they want to make and they talk about what it will look like. |
Final milestone: children confidently decide on the model they will make, sharing their idea, selecting their materials and talking about their plan. They use tools to adapt materials and join materials together. They may also use information books and draw a representation of their final model.