1. Settle in and become a confident learner
First milestone: children make a strong relationship with their key person. Increasingly, they separate confidently from their parent at the start of the session and become involved in their play. They use their key person as a ‘secure base’ throughout the session, ‘touching base’ as/when needed.
Where children need individualised and additional help, this will be offered sensitively and swiftly. Help includes: individual meetings with parents to map a way forward and discussions around home routines and any possible Early Help needed.
As children grow in confidence, they explore the nursery environment making choices. Children explore a wider range of experiences freely and sustain play for longer periods of time. They play alongside friends, sometimes collaboratively. They may develop their imaginative play. |
Second milestone: children take part in imaginative play, communicating and negotiating with their friends.
Third milestone: children persevere with difficulties. They make comments about their learning in their Special Books and show pleasure/pride in what they have done. |
As children play and learn more collaboratively, over longer time periods, they take part in more challenging experiences. They also they talk about and reflect on their learning. |
Final milestone: children reflect on their learning through their Special Books. They think deeply about their learning, talking through their ideas and plans. Children talk about their development, recognising their progress and celebrating it.