July 2014
Good bye to Isabel after 25 years at Rachel Keeling Nursery School!There was a special goodbye to Isabel organised by the staff, parents and Governors.
Our thanks to Isabel for all her commitment and dedication to all our children and families. Our very best wishes to Isabel for her exciting future.
Our thanks to Isabel for all her commitment and dedication to all our children and families. Our very best wishes to Isabel for her exciting future.
Rachel Keeling Sports Day July 2014
Children, parents and carers were absolutely fantastic in participating in a range of wonderful sporting activities. Such events are very important for young children as they contribute to enhancing children's self esteem as well as developing a great sense of community cohesion. Our thanks to both the East London Business Alliance (ELBA) and the Royal Sun Alliance (RSA) for the magnificent support in making this event possible. Additionally we would like to thank the RSA for their very generous donation of £600.00 to our school.
Children, parents and carers were absolutely fantastic in participating in a range of wonderful sporting activities. Such events are very important for young children as they contribute to enhancing children's self esteem as well as developing a great sense of community cohesion. Our thanks to both the East London Business Alliance (ELBA) and the Royal Sun Alliance (RSA) for the magnificent support in making this event possible. Additionally we would like to thank the RSA for their very generous donation of £600.00 to our school.