May 2021
Designing and Making
Children researched different types of bags for different uses. They drew their designs, planning and writing with a purpose in mind. Children selected their own choice of fabric, looking at patterns and colour. They were able to use a needle and thread effectively to sew buttons onto their fabric and join pieces together.
Zoo Lab
Children have been developing their knowledge and understanding about a variety of small animals, including a snake, millipede, tarantula spider, giant snail and hissing cockroach. They learnt about hygiene and handling as well as information about the animal’s habitat and feeding patterns. Children also had an opportunity to share what they know about the animals. |
Transient Art
Transient art is the creative experience of placing open-ended resources together on a surface.
Children have been given opportunities to engage in transient art. They were able to manipulate, explore and experiment as they worked individually or collaboratively on their transient art projects.
Children explored shape, space, pattern, positioning, colour, texture and overlapping. They sustained concentration and used the open-ended resources by combining them in different ways.
Perhaps you can collect some interesting objects and create your own art at home.
Interesting materials to get you started might include:
Natural materials such as leaves, sticks or seeds
Metal materials such as nuts, bolts, screws
Recycled materials such as milk bottle tops, cardboard tubing, jar lids and corks
Pieces of string, elastic bands, hair bobbles
Children have been given opportunities to engage in transient art. They were able to manipulate, explore and experiment as they worked individually or collaboratively on their transient art projects.
Children explored shape, space, pattern, positioning, colour, texture and overlapping. They sustained concentration and used the open-ended resources by combining them in different ways.
Perhaps you can collect some interesting objects and create your own art at home.
Interesting materials to get you started might include:
Natural materials such as leaves, sticks or seeds
Metal materials such as nuts, bolts, screws
Recycled materials such as milk bottle tops, cardboard tubing, jar lids and corks
Pieces of string, elastic bands, hair bobbles
Step Out Arts
We enjoyed a belated Chinese New Year with the wonderful Step Out Arts. Step Out Arts have celebrated with us every year for more than 10 years! Due to lockdown we had to postpone their visit but we all got to enjoy it thoroughly. Children were so engaged with the ribbon dance workshops, music workshop and of course the lion dance workshops. This all culminated with a parade in the garden. It is the lucky Year of the Ox.
Eid Mubarak